Research Topics For High School Students - What to Start With

Posted on Jun 18, 2019

Research papers are one of the most difficult tasks students have to deal with during their college years. Just as its name suggests, the research paper' requires students to conduct extensive research on the topic they are supposed to write on. Research topics for high school students can be different for different classes, e.g., your Biology teacher may require you to write a research paper on plants and animals, while you may be expected to come up with a research paper on slavery for your History class. Regardless of the course you are taking or topic you are writing about, all research papers have a similar structure that comprises the introduction, body, and conclusion. Being the first thing your readers will read, the introduction should grab their attention and make them want to continue reading your work. It should also contain the thesis statement that briefly introduces your topic and presents your viewpoint regarding it. The introduction is followed by the body paragraphs and conclusion, which should be written simultaneously. An important thing to be kept in mind when dealing with the research paper is that every piece of information in it needs to be accurate and independently verifiable.

It is true that even the brightest students may sometimes experience difficulties with writing research papers, which is why we took it upon ourselves to provide you with the best tips on organizing and writing your research paper. Below you'll find some of the things you'll need to cross off your to-do list before starting your project.

  1. Topic selection;
  2. Extensive research;
  3. Thesis development;
  4. The organization of material;
  5. Writing and proofreading of the article.

Search for some guidelines that will help you choose the best topics for high school research paper.

  • Pick a topic that is interesting for you to ensure a well-researched final product.
  • Make sure you have enough research materials on the chosen topic.
  • Make sure you have enough time to complete the project. Start your research paper on time to be able to come up with the required number of pages.

Good Research Project Topics For High School Students

There are countless subjects high school students can research on, including Chemistry, Physics, History, Psychology, Biology, Neuroscience, etc. However, to make your paper stand out from others, you'll need to have enough information about the subject, as well as come up with a plan on how to put your ideas into words. Good research paper topics for high school students.

Psychology Research Topics for High School Students

Psychology is a branch of science that deals with the study of the human behavior, performance, and mental operations. It assists people to understand how the mind and the body work together. That being said, there are lots of topics to research on in psychology. Below are some research topics for psychology students that have been divided into four categories: Social Psychology, Disorders, Human Cognition and Human Development.

  • Social psychology topics
    These topics have to do with the following forms of discrimination and prejudice: racism, same-sex marriage, behaviors, leadership, non-verbal form of communication, cults, and social cognition
  • Topics on Disorders
    These topics focus on eating disorders, fear, schizophrenia, and antisocial personality disorder
  • Topics on human cognition
    These include dreams, language, speech disorders, problem-solving ability, perception, judgment, and false memories.
  • Topics on human development
    These comprise learning disorders, child abuse, parenting styles, prenatal development, gender roles, bullying, child abuse.

Medical Research Topics

Let's check out some medical research topics that science students in high school can benefit from.

  • Cancer.
  • Aging and chronic diseases associated with it.
  • HIV/ AIDS.
  • Infections and inflammation.
  • The six killer diseases (Tuberculosis, Diphtheria, Pertussis or whooping cough, Tetanus, Poliomyelitis, Diabetes, Measles).

Neuroscience Research Topics

Neuroscience is a branch of medical science that studies the nervous system. Listed below are some of the topics that can help you gain insight into the type of topics that can qualify as neuroscience-related.

  • Disorders of the nervous system (Parkinson's disease, neurodegenerative disorders, aging).
  • Stem cells.
  • Neurotransmitters.
  • Signaling molecules.
  • Sensory and motor system (auditory, visionary).
  • Neuroendocrinology, neuroimmunology.

Biology Research Topics

Biology is simply the study of plants and animals. Examples of research topics for high school students in biology include:

  • Nomenclature.
  • Viruses.
  • Bacteria.
  • Protozoans.
  • Organ systems (digestive system, circulatory system, and nervous system,).
  • A cellular organization, DNA and RNA, etc.

Chemistry Research Topics

Examples of chemistry research topics include:

  • Isotopes and their progressing.
  • Organic compounds (carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins).
  • Inorganic compounds.
  • DNA polymerase chain.
  • Acids and Bases.
  • Atoms secrets.

Physics Research Topics

These include:

  • Kinetic force.
  • Gravitational force.
  • Potential force.
  • Inertia effect.
  • Newtonian Physics.
  • Rainbows and visible lights.
  • The speed of light.
  • Einstein and his role in physics.
  • The thermal energy of an air conditioner, etc.

History Research Paper Topics

These include:

  • World War I and II.
  • The Holocaust.
  • The 9/11 attack.
  • Adolf Hitler and his contributions in shaping today's world.
  • Slavery issues in modern life.
  • The Vietnam war.
  • Colonization.

Experimental Research Topics

There are lots of experimental research topics high school students can write about. These including,

  • Soil profile.
  • Water purification process.
  • Pinhole camera.
  • Fermentation.
  • Factors that affect germination etc.

Scientific Research topics

It's an indisputable fact that Science class is mandatory for every high school student, so you will inevitably have to conduct research on a scientific topic some day. Below are some scientific topics that may prove useful to you when dealing with the research paper challenge:

  • Global warming.
  • The Big bang theory.
  • How old is the Universe?
  • The Solar system.
  • Genetics and their impact on our behavior.
  • Molecular biology.

Math Research Topics

Even if you are not excited about different rates, digits or graphs, we guarantee that one of these topics below will impress you and your professor as well. Just choose that one that interests you the mast, and use it for formulating your own idea to develop in the research paper.

  • Einstein's contribution in the quantum physics development.
  • What is common between Stephen Hawking and basic math?
  • Impact of the mathematics on the European Renaissance.
  • "Zero" concept incorporation and its impact on mathematics in Europe.
  • Why will the Pi remain unsolved forever?

Do Extensive Research

Be sure you have your facts straight because it's the research paper you're dealing with. Gather some relevant information pertaining to your research topic by doing either library or Internet research.

After you have gathered enough information for the project, develop your thesis and organize your materials. Proofreading should be the last thing you do after you've finished writing your paper. Be sure to check your project for mistakes before submitting it.

Beware that some of the most common mistakes students make when writing research papers include copying other students' topics instead of writing about topics interesting to them. Another common mistake is that they don't allocate enough time for the assignment and thus fail to submit their paper by the set deadline.

We hope that by following all the above guidelines and using some of the research topics for high school students we offered, you will be able to cope with the research paper challenge easily. However, if you feel you'd rather spend your time on other things that are of much graver importance to you, consider looking for an academic writing service, such as ours. With us, any of your academic assignments become a breeze!